Monads, Morally
The following stories are not literally, historically correct.
They are, however, morally correct.
(Don’t fact check me)
The year is 1739, and the brilliant philosopher David Hume has a problem. He’s trying to re-derive the ancient theory of ethics and morality from a truly rigorous foundation, one based on the still-developing science of formal logic. Unfortunately, his valiant attempts all fail. Why?
The year is 1992, and the brilliant computer scientist Philip Wadler has a problem. He’s trying to reinvent the practice of programming complex systems from a truly rigorous foundation, one based on the still-developing study of pure, statically-typed functional programming. Unfortunately, his valiant attempts all fail. Why?
Intuitively, the problem arises from the fact that morality is about things that should happen (you should not kick that puppy), while logic is about things that are (puppies exist!).
Consider trying to convey your ethics to a particularly pedantic toddler:
You: You should not kick that puppy.
Toddler: Why?
You: Because it’s evil.
Toddler: Why shouldn’t I be evil?
You: Because if you’re evil, you’ll get put in jail, and then you’ll be sad.
Toddler: Why shouldn’t I want to be sad?
Our (mildly psychopathic) toddler has a good point, really. Even if we had clear-cut, uncontroversial definitions of good and evil and pleasure and pain and so on, we would still have no way of reaching the conclusion that we ought to do any particular thing. This is known as the Is-Ought problem — that we cannot derive an “ought” from an “is”.
Intuitively, the problem arises from the fact that practical programming is about IO (input/output) processes (download that suspicious .exe
), while functions are about calculations (the sum of numebrs in a list).
Consider trying to test your program against a particularly unhelpful compiler:
You: Test this code: println("hello world")
. It should return void
when it runs.
Computer: … Done! The program returned void
You: Hmm. I’m not seeing anything. I guess I should mock println
to verify it was being called.
Computer: … Done! I ran fake.println("hello world")
You: A good sign - but not a guarantee! Depends on how println
and fake.println
are related.
In general, this is a real problem! With automated tests, it can be difficult to verify that any IO-heavy code is doing its job. Replacing the IO with similar but fake pure computations helps kick the can down the road — we have no guarantee that our fake computations are accurately simulating the IO that should’ve been performed!
Let’s try and make our intuition a little more rigorous. To do that we’ll review the language of formal logic (in particular, the propositional calculus) to see what it can and cannot do.
An arbitrary letter, such as , , , etc. is denoted a proposition - it represents a truth value. On their own, most such propositions are not very interesting! For example, saying "" simply means “the proposition is true”.
An arrow - - represents an implication - that implies . This is the case if is true whenever is true. Note that if is false, then can trivially be either true or false. Given , and also knowing that , we can infer that via an simple inference rule pretentiously known as modus ponens.
One basic way of conceptualizing the process of logical reasoning is as the composition of a bunch of implications. For example, if and , then — given an we can infer via the first assumption, and then from we can infer via the second assumption.
Obviously, there’s obviously a bit more to logic than this, but it’s all we’ll need for now.
Let’s try and make our intuition a little more rigorous. To do that we’ll review the language of types and functions (in particular, the typed lambda calculus) to see what it can and cannot do.
An arbitrary letter, such as A
, B
, X
etc. is denoted a type - it represents a collection of possible values.
On their own, most such types are not very interesting!
For example, saying “a: A
” simply means “a
is contained in the collection of values represented by A
An arrow - A → B
- represents the type of a function going from A
to B
A value of this type is an algorithm which computes a value of type B
for any possible value of type A
. Note that if A
is the empty type (containing no values), then such a function trivially exists for every other B
Given f: A → B
, and also a value a: A
, we can compute a value of type f(a): B
via an simple calculation known as function evaluation.
One basic way of conceptualizing the process of programming is as the composition of a bunch of functions.
For example, if f: A → B
and g: B → C
, then g ∘ f: A → C
is a function as well — given an a: A
we can compute a value of type g(f(a)): C
Obviously, there’s obviously a bit more to functional programming than this, but it’s all we’ll need for now.
Given this review, perhaps the limitations of pure logic with respect to morality are becoming clearer.
Not only is there no way to derive an “ought” from an “is”; there’s not even a way to express an “ought” in the first place! The syntax of the language simply doesn’t have any constructs thst could correspond to notions of an obligation. If everything is merely an inference about the current state of the world, that leaves no room for describing obligations of how to change the world.
Given this review, perhaps the limitations of functional programming with respect to IO are becoming clearer.
Not only is there no way to create an IO process from a pure function; there’s not even a way to express effectfulness in the first place! The syntax of the language simply doesn’t have any constructs that could correspond to notions of IO. If everything is merely a mapping from input values to output values, that leaves no room for functions to actually be doing other things.
Philosophers were thus presented with a choice.
Either give up on studying ethics, since it can’t be perfectly embedded in basic logic, or find some way to enrich the logic with an extra layer of expressiveness, one that is capable of expressing moral judgements.
Thanks to heavy lobbying from the philosophy-industrial complex, which occasionally generates nonzero profits from ethics research, philosophers decided on the latter option: enriching the base logic.
Programmers were thus presented with a choice.
Either give up on writing software that does stuff, since it can’t be perfectly embedded in lambda calculus, or find some way to enrich the language with an extra layer of expressiveness, one that is capable of
describing the side effects associated with running a program.
Thanks to heavy lobbying from computer users everywhere, who occasionally enjoy running programs on physical computers, the language designers decided on the latter option: enriching the base language.
To extend our base logic, we introduce a new modality for moral obligation. Don’t freak out about the new vocabulary!
A modality is essentially “truth mode”, or distinct way in which an existing expression can be true. Propositions with our obligation modality will thus be used to describe whether something ought to be true, independently of whether it actually is.
Modalities are often denoted geometric symbols, such as or ; for our moral obligation modality, we’ll use . Correspondingly, if you have a moral obligation to do , we can express this as .
Crucially, is distinct and incomparable to ! If I am given “you should not kick puppies”, that (unfortunately) does not imply “puppies are never kicked”.
This gives a somewhat infectious quality - once we’ve started reaching moral judgements, it’s difficult to extract purely logical facts from it - instead, we’ll likely push more stuff inside the modality (via techniques we’ll see soon) to reach more sophisticated ethical conclusions.
To extend our base type system, we introduce a new monad for IO operations. Don’t freak out about the new vocabulary!
A monad is essentially a “calculation mode”, or distinct way in which “values” of a type may be computed. Values in our IO monad will thus specify processes for running programs that require the use of side effects.
Our IO monad will be denoted IO
Correspondingly, if we have some effectful process which returns a value of type X
, we can express this as myProcess: IO X
Crucially, IO X
is distinct and incomparable to X
! If I am given an IO Int
- a number retrieved from a user input, there is no way to extract an Int
- pure computation yielding the same number!
This gives a somewhat infectious quality - once we’ve started doing some IO
, it’s impossible to pull it back into the world of pure functions - instead, we have to push more stuff inside the IO
(via techniques we’ll see soon) to create more sophisticated effectful programs.